We all already know that good manners should be the most used, in almost all contexts of our lives. In their absence, in relationships with family, close friends, co-workers, etc., there will be many discussions and tensions. They are necessary to resolve various conflicts and also to shape our personality and behavior towards those around us. Perhaps one of the most dynamic places, where their presence is indisputable, refers to the workplace.
Here are some basic rules to keep in mind when you are at work.
• Respect the ideas and opinions of all colleagues, even if you do not always agree with them. In a team, there will always be different views and opposing opinions, but these must be highlighted in a polite way.
• Maintain cleanliness, and if an unpleasant event occurs, clean up after yourself every time. If you have an office, even if you only use it, make sure it is neat and tidy for those around you.
• Many things are common in a group, but often you need an object that belongs to another colleague. In this case, ask permission when you want to borrow, no matter what.
• There are jobs where the use of the phone is forbidden and there are jobs where it is indispensable. If you are still in the second category, then make sure it is silent. Avoid having personal conversations, acid or not, in front of your colleagues and don't waste too much time on it.
• Take care of the outfit you choose to wear every day at the office. Give up indecent clothes that deviate from the required dress code.
• Small gestures denote common sense and respect. Knock on the door, offer your help whenever needed, speak clearly, apologize when you make a mistake, take responsibility when you make a mistake, etc.
• Be discreet about any personal information.
• Punctuality means respect. Try to arrive 10 minutes from the time your work schedule starts.