Be thoughtful. It saves energy, money and the environment

Be thoughtful. It saves energy, money and the environment
The pandemic situation of recent years has determined us to reorganize and rethink our way of life. Closed in our homes in order to slow down the process of spreading the virus, our homes "worked" more than ever and we understood better than ever why it is good for HOME to be a comfortable and welcoming place.

I cooked more at home, so I used more ovens, stoves, hoods and dishwashers. The air conditioners worked at maximum capacity in the hot afternoons, when we were usually at work, in an office building. More and more companies offer employees the opportunity to work from home, so that the bedroom now also has the role of an office. And this list can go on and on.

Today, in the real estate blog section, we offer you some tips on how you can save energy and money at home, through a less wasteful lifestyle.

1. Dry clothes outside - Electric dryers account for 5% of the usual electricity consumption of a home. It is recommended to dry the clothes, when possible, on an indoor or outdoor dryer, in this way you save energy, money, but also help to reduce carbon emissions.

2. Wash clothes with cold water - To reduce energy, it is recommended to wash clothes, if they are not very dirty, with water at a lower temperature. Water heating requires a lot of energy, approximately 14% of the average electricity bill of a house.

3. Use cloth napkins and cotton rags - It is much cheaper to wash and reuse a set of cloth napkins or dish cloths, than to buy and throw away several rolls of paper napkins every month. Cut up old t-shirts that are torn or very worn and use them in the kitchen as rags.

4. Switch to LED bulbs – If you haven't already, buy a pack of LED bulbs so that you can gradually replace any old incandescent bulbs as they burn out. LED bulbs are approximately 6 times more efficient and have a much longer lifespan.

5. Consider solar use – Installing solar panels on the roof of buildings can reduce or even eliminate the electricity bill. This comes with a high initial cost, but the Casa Verde program can be of great help if you decide to take this step and this investment.

6. Improve or replace windows - Heat loss accumulated through inefficient windows is responsible for 25-30% of the energy used in homes. To improve the efficiency of the windows, check for air leaks and apply silicone sealing products or sealing gasket to isolate them. Or if this does not help, you can even consider replacing the windows with quality ones, which insulate well both acoustically and thermally. It's a bigger investment, but it's definitely worth it in the long run.

There are, of course, many other small strategies through which you can save energy, reduce the costs of bills and help preserve the environment. You don't have to do all of them, but small changes in your behavior can turn into a win for both you and the planet. If you have not yet found the ideal home in which to put these things into practice, we are here to help you.

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