Pet-friendly. 3 reasons to accept tenants with pets

Pet-friendly. 3 reasons to accept tenants with pets

Have you bought an apartment as an investment? Did you intend to rent it in order to amortize this investment over time?
If the answer to these questions is „yes”, then this material is for you.
To avoid the situation in which your apartment is only one of the hundreds of apartments listed on the Sibiu real estate market for rent, it is good to make the apartment more special than the others.

Therefore, if you do not want to have an empty apartment for a longer period of time, one option would be for it to become „pet-friendly”, namely to accept tenants who come with pets.

Here are in 3 paragraphs 3 good reasons why this idea is really good!

1. Pet friendliness increases the speed of renting the apartment.
Pet-friendly rental offers are few and there are many people looking for them. Thus, a pet-friendly apartment for rent will be of interest to more people, there will be more viewings of the property, and the chances of renting it quickly are higher.
In other words, if you decide to accept tenants with pets, the apartment will turn from an ordinary apartment into one much sought after by those looking for a new home for themselves and their pet.

2. Pets do not cause more damage than humans.
„My furniture will be damaged, the parquet will be scratched, my doors will be damaged” are just some of the reasons that owners invoke when they don’t want to rent the apartment to people who have pets. Well, those who have had tenants so far know very well what big losses can exist when the tenant is a difficult person which does not take care of the property, does not clean, does not take care not to damage the furniture, etc.

Therefore, sometimes the small damage that can be caused by pets does not compare to the damage caused by an irresponsible tenant. Ultimately, the owners ask for a deposit for the rented apartments and any damage caused by pets can be repaired from this budget.

3. The stability of the tenant is guaranteed.
Tenants who come with a pet are more stable, so they will not rush to move out, and you won’t need to look for new tenants that often. It is difficult to be accepted with pets, so if he finds the right option, the tenant will certainly not leave in two or three months. In this way, the owner has the guarantee that the apartment will be rented for a long period of time.
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