What should the tenants know?


 What should a tenant know?

If you want to rent a new property and you need guidance, so as to be able to make the best possible choice, feel free to contact the New Concept Living real estate agency. We will treat your needs in earnestness, considering them our priority. All our clients are equally important, regardless of the value they will trade.

1. Determining the initial budget.
Concerning the initial budget you can afford to rent a property, you need to take into account the fact that almost all landlords claim, in advance, in addition to the payment of the first month’s rent, the payment of a security deposit, which is usually equal to one- or two-months’ rent. Thus, upon signing the tenancy agreement, the tenant should have a rather large amount of money at their disposal (the equivalent of 2-3 months’ rent).

2. Determining the priorities list.
The more central the area, the higher the rent. Priorities vary from one customer to another. Any tenant should first consider several factors very well before reaching the final decision. According to each of their needs, possibilities and preferences, a different list of priorities may result, but, on the whole, the considerations remain the same. The price takes precedence in some cases. In other cases, the location is more important. You yourself should determine which of the below considerations is more important:
- The lowest possible price
- The largest possible area
- The best possible location
- The finishing quality and interior comfort
- Safety (in terms of seismology)
- New apartment
- Old apartment

All our agents are willing to help and to guide you towards the things that you are looking for. They will provide details concerning the price, the location, and the features of the property and, after selecting the appropriate offers for you, they will accompany you upon viewing them.

3. Viewings - The first impression we make.
After selecting the locations which suit your requirements, next comes the on-site visit. It is very important to know that landlords are very particular and cautious when it comes to the future tenants. Landlords often refuse to sign a tenancy agreement with a customer who did not leave a good impression upon them. In order to be to the landlord’s liking, upon the first viewing, we recommend a positive attitude, adequate language, decent clothing, and civilized behaviour.

4. Signing the tenancy agreement
If you have found something to your liking and the landlords accept you, the final step ensues: signing the tenancy agreement.
The New Concept Living real estate agency will also counsel you upon concluding this agreement. It shall be signed in at least four copies, one for each party and two for the Revenue Office.

5. Tenancy agreements must be registered with the Revenue Office.
The taxpayers who obtain revenues from rent have the obligation to register the agreement within 30 days of its conclusion. Upon registering the agreement, form 220, “Statement on the estimated income”, must also be submitted at the Revenue Office.
The taxes owed by the landlord are: 16% income tax, 5.5% health insurance tax (CASS).

From a total rent of 150 €, the landlord is left with 118 €.
From a total rent of 200 €, the landlord is left with 157 €.
From a total rent of 250 €, the landlord is left with 196 €.
From a total rent of 300 €, the landlord is left with 236 €.

Surely, many landlords avoid the Revenue Office and fail to register the agreement, thus exposing themselves to great risk. According to the new form of the law, any deliberate concealment or avoidance of tax concerning a revenue considered taxable, even if the amount is frugal, represents tax evasion, and is punished by imprisonment. The New Concept Living real estate agency kindly advises all landlords to choose a good night’s sleep, associated to compliance with the law.
To register a tenancy agreement with the Revenue Office, the following documents shall be necessary: Click here