Preliminary contract

New Concept Living - Real Estate Agency in Sibiu

We are here to help.

Wherever we are, we want the market to see us as bringing extra value and progress. That is why we believe that we can assist all people who want to conclude a real estate transaction, regardless of the agency they choose to work with, by providing them a standardized document, which contains a Bilateral Promise to Buy and Sell (Preliminary Agreement) If the transaction is concluded without a loan, this document can replace the notarial preliminary agreement, saving time and money. To download the document, please click here.

The Bilateral Promise to Buy and Sell (the Preliminary Agreement) is the agreement reached by the parties, whereby the promisor commits that he/she will conclude with the beneficiary a contract whose elements are established in this agreement, within the established term, . Thus, the preliminary sale and purchase agreement lays down the object of the sale, the price of the asset upon which the right of ownership is to be transferred, the term allowed to conclude the transaction, as well as other clauses considered by the parties to be essential for the future contract. .

Beautiful people, great realtors!.