We help you with real estate, but also with credit

We help you with real estate, but also with credit

If you are seriously considering buying a home, the first hop in this process has passed. The next step includes the diagnostic questions to which the real estate agent, in the light of the experience gained, will offer you the most detailed and concise answers. Of major importance in the initial discussions, being the one that guides the smooth running of things, is the payment method used. It can be full payment, installment payment, mortgage purchase or New House loan.

Because we want to provide the right support and information to our clients at every step, we enjoy a beautiful collaboration with Kiwi Finance. The company, founded in 2003 under another name, is present in 35 cities in Romania, collaborates with over 200 brokers and brokered by the end of 2019 loans worth over 1.35 billion euros.

The brokers within the company come to the aid of their clients from the beginning of the lending process. They search for and transmit the financial solution closest to the client's needs, prepare the related file and maintain contact with the bank in question and third parties.

Real estate transactions through New Concept Living are supported by Kiwi consultants. We work with Kiwi Finance experts and together we put the needs of our clients first. The offered banking support and the timely answers facilitate all this approach, tick an important stage in the acquisition process and ensure a long-term stability for the client.

A material by Mirela Ionita

New Concept Living - Sibiu real estate agency - complete real estate offers from Sibiu and the surrounding areas.
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