When is an apartment tabulated?

When is an apartment tabulated?

What does the tabulation of an apartment mean?
The explanatory dictionary of the Romanian language defines the tabulation as "Definitive registration of a property deed or of a real estate right in the land book". In other words, tabulation is the process by which an owner publicly states that he owns a property. The approach is actually made by entering the specific data of the real estate or the land in question, in the Land Book.

What information is mentioned in the Land Book extract of a building?
The tabulation in the Land Book of the property means the mention of the information related to this property, information that must be up to date: the name of the owner, the address of the building, its surface, the legal evolution, etc. Everything related to the property, whether it is a building or land, must be specified and updated.

You should know that by tabulation in the Land Book, several rights over a building or land can be specified: the right of ownership, usufruct, use and servitude, the right of use and the real rights of guarantee, as well as the right of administration, concession.

What are the documents required for tabulation?
If we have presented what the tabulation implies and why it is needed, it must be specified what are the necessary documents for the tabulation of a property / land. In order to make an tabulation, there must initially be a cadastre, which is made only once. The cadastre identifies, registers and highlights the property / land in registers, in cadastral plans and on maps. It is drawn up by a cadastral engineer or a competent company.

The necessary documents for a building that has not been registered in the Land Book are the following:
 property deeds (in original or legalized copy);
 cadastral documentation - required in original;
 valid fiscal certificate - in original, issued by the Territorial Financial Administration in which the purpose of issuing the certificate and the tax value are specified;
 authentic notarial declaration - if the property deeds do not bear the mention of the notarial transcription;
 attestation of the full payment of the tabulation fee - which differs from the case, taking into account the type and surface of the building;
 standard application - completed and signed by the owner;
 identity card (owner's passport).

Because tabulation and cadastre are closely linked, in the case of the tabulation process (as in the case of cadastral documentation), the process can take between 2 days and 15 days. Why can periods last differently? Because there are several factors that are taken into account: the type of your property, the reason for requesting the tabulation, the documents you already have and your needs.

Can I sell a property if it is not listed?
The absence of tabulation shows that the respective property cannot be transferred and is not usable for operations with reference to the property right over it. An unlisted apartment cannot be sold. In the case of new constructions, those who wish to purchase an apartment for sale that is not yet completed / tabulated will sign a pre-contract. Subsequently, when the apartment will have a land book extract, the final sale-purchase contract will be signed.

On our website www.newconceptliving.ro all offers have a check mark, where applicable. This means that the property can be sold immediately.
A material by Mirela Ionita

Photo credit: google.ro
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